click on the poster

do not interact if:

basic dni criteria
posts nsfw without proper tagging
dislikes/hates any of my interests and/or badly speaks about them constantly
hatemails my favorite characters or needs them tagged
proshipper / anti anti
ships kaeluc and/or posts/interacts with content related to it
i shouldn't have to say this but since people are sick: sexualizes the genshin children and/or calls them "loli"
doesn't use she/her for arashi narukami
treats people as less of a fan for not talking about a subject constantly
gets into discourse often

before you follow:

i usually call people by names such as "bubs", "baby" and others in a caring way! if you don't feel comfortable with that please dm me because i am used to doing it.
softblock when breaking the mutual
i don't like negative ratio, headcanon discourses and people being rude to me :(
i tend to switch interests in a manner that i still talk and post about the others, but will be focused on the new one
i will probably not follow back if your account is not mobage focused :(
i mostly tweet about genshin impact
i don't tag my interests or my favorite characters, it makes me uncomfortable

choose a shinonome sibling to go to other pages

about me!

my name is ana cecĂ­lia, but please call me lia, lili or any similar nicknames!

i'm 18 years old and my pronouns are she/her! my birthday is march 9th!

i am a INFP - 6w5!

i only kin one character, which is yosuke hanamura from persona 4. i understand some people don't like him, but please don't project that on me ^^

i'm from brazil, so i speak two languages: PT-BR (brazilian portuguese) and ENG!

if you are here wondering why did i sb/hb you, any softblocks from me probably mean you put something that triggered my anxiety on my tl! hardblocks are probably because the content you post makes me uncomfortable! (see dni)


(CW) any hate towards my comfort characters
drawn or written explicit nsfw
and (if possible) spoilers from games i play!

(TW) irl GORE (any type... especially open self harm wounds),
insects (especially big ones/anything that looks like one too/this includes spiders) in videos (mainly) and pictures.
and unsanitary (pictures, videos).

don't mention ayumu (love live) yandere theories (?) or whatever that is. it makes me SUPER uncomfortable and i will probably sb because of that.

my interests!

genshin impact
love live
project sekai
visual novels
minor interest in i-chu (still learning) and bandori

comfort ships!


comfort characters!

genshin impact: ganyu, venti, xiao and keqing
love live: chika, ayumu and honoka
project sekai: akito, emu, honami + rest of vbs and wxs
enstars: tsukasa, hajime, eichi, mao, arashi and izumi
mahoyaku: heathcliff, arthur and rustica
ayakoi: nachi, aoi and kuro
a3: taichi, tsumugi, tenma + rest of natsugumi
i-chu: kuro yakaku
bandori: chisato, pastel palettes
also persona 4's yosuke hanamura! i don't talk about persona but please tag yosuke hate!

i won't tag the characters above! but if you need any other one tagged, please let me know! also, i won't tag my interests and ships.

i DON'T talk about it untagged, but i have a big interest in the danganronpa franchise. i am critical of it, but i still enjoy the games. if you feel uncomfortable with that, even with tags, you shouldn't follow me. i occasionally retweet fanart, but that's very rare!